
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Catalina Brenes Jewelry

Resin in a plastic bag may not sound
like an appropriate combination for jewelry
yet Catalina Brenes creates pieces
that are really eye catching and intriguing.

She has three distinct collections, but it's those
resin-filled plastics that consistently
catch my eye.

Experimenting with materials such as silver,
gemstones, natural pigments, found objects,
pearls and 24 KT gold foil, this artist explains how she
creates with an eye towards whimsy and play,
... I need materials that let me make mistakes . . . Something that allows me to play, to enjoy the creating process. Feel the material to unleash the inner child. . .  and when I’m ready it becomes a game. . . I need my small toys, resin and pigments to preserve that second. That’s when the plastic bag becomes my canvas.

 You can all of her collections on
 her website and at Not Just A Label


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