
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Exhibition - Humor in Craft (yes, that includes jewelry!)

Humor in Craft is currently on exhibit at the
Society for Contemporary Craft
in Pittsburgh, PA.
This exhibition, based on the book
by the same name, presents artworks by 32 artists
from across the United States and abroad.
Spanning all types of craft
including furniture, pottery,
and of course, jewelry,

it's meant to tickle your funny bone.

Some pieces are whimsical, some are fantastical,
and all are amusing in one sense or another.
And that's the point. Humor is subjective.

Curated by founder and editor of the international
online resource Crafthaus,
Brigitte Martin—author of the recently released book
also titled Humor in Craft, had the following
to say about the exhibit:

When I embarked on assembling images of humorous craft artwork it became clear rather quickly that, even though everyone likes to share funny stories, humor definitely takes on different meanings depending on the various filters we employ. Based on a variety of factors (such as but not limited to social background, personal experiences and values, knowledge of popular culture events, education, and national origin), there are overlaps but also differences in humor perception. In other words, what I personally find extremely funny might at best only elicit mild amusement in others, and vice versa. So the question arises, what do we laugh at? Are there images or artwork that everyone finds hilarious? Are there topics that are off-limits and how far can you go before it’s just not funny anymore? And who gets to decide that this point has been reached . . . .

 Thought-provoking questions set aside,
it's just fun to see the humorous side of a jewelry
artist's imagination and the pieces presented in
this exhibit certainly are not cookie cutter.
But then again, neither are these artists.

For instance, Emiko Oye's colorful necklace is
constructed from repurposed LEGO pieces
and sterling silver.  Titled, Cygne Noir,
 (translated as Black Swan)
it's from her First Royal Jewels Collection and
reinterprets Lalique's famous enamel necklace titled,
Insect Women and Black Swans.


This bracelet called, Turn the Other Check, is
 Margaux Lange's entry. It's made with salvaged
Barbie doll parts set into sterling silver
and pigmented resins.

 Mary Hallam Pearse's entry is called, Three Words.
It's made with silver, aluminum and diamonds.
It's reminiscent of children's
dexterity games where the players
must complete the image by getting
the jewels into the impressions.
One can assume there's plenty of
 manual dexterity needed
and enough challenge provided
to keep young fingers busy.


Humor in Craft is currently on exhibit at the
Society for Contemporary Craft
and continues through October 27, 2012.
 Humor in Craft, the book that inspired the exhibit
can be found here.
Let it tickle your funny bone.

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